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[ENG] How to fix a missing vcruntime140.dll is missing error in Windows

To fix the vcruntime140.dll is missing error in Windows, please follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable page from Microsoft and click on the Download button.
  2. You will be brought to page where it asks you to select whether you want to download the 32-bit or 64 bit version of Windows. Select the version you need and click the Next button. If you are unsure what version you need, you can search google to determine what you need :p 
  3. The file will now download to your computer. Once downloaded, double-click on the downloaded vc_redist.x64.exe file. 
  4. The Microsoft Visual C++-2015 Redistributable screen will be displayed and ask you to agree to the license terms and conditions. Put a checkmark in the "I agree" box and then click on the Install button.
    Microsoft Visual C++-2015 Redistributable
    Microsoft Visual C++-2015 Redistributable
  5. If Windows prompts you to allow the program to make changes or continue, click on the Yes or Allow button.
  6. When done, the program will display a message stating that it was successfully installed.
    Redistributable Installed
    Redistributable Installed
  7. You can now close the installer.
If you already had the DLL installed and it is still showing as missing, you can download the above Redistributable, but this time perform a repair.
Perform a Repair
Perform a Repair
You can now try to run the program that previously gave the missing vcruntime140.dll error and it should work again.
[ENG] How to fix a missing vcruntime140.dll is missing error in Windows [ENG] How to fix a missing vcruntime140.dll is missing error in Windows Reviewed by Kenvin146 on 10:48 Rating: 5

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